صیہونی ریاست کی تجویز
آسٹرین یہودی تھیوڈور ہرستل یا تیفادار ہرستل بڈاپسٹ میں پیدا ہوا اور ویانا میں تعلیم پائی ۔ اس کا اصلی نام بن یامین بتایا جاتا ہے سیاسی صیہونیت کا بانی ہے ۔ اس نے 1896 عیسوی میں ایک کتاب جرمن زبان میں لکھی " ڈر جوڈن شٹاٹ" یعنی یہودی ریاست جس کا انگریزی ترجمہ اپریل 1896 میں آیا ۔ اس ریاست کے قیام کے لئے ارجٹائن یا مشرق وسطہ کا علاقہ تجویز کیا گیا ۔ برطانوی حکومت نے ارجٹائن میں یہودی ریاست قائم کرنے کی سخت مخالفت کی اور اسے فلسطین میں قائم کرنے پر زور دیا ۔ اس ریاست کا جو نقشہ بنایا گیا اس میں دریائے نیل سے لے کر دریائے فرات تک کا سارا علاقہ شامل دکھایا گیا یعنی مصر کا دریائے نیل سے مشرق کا علاقہ ۔ سارا فلسطین ۔ سارا اردن ۔ سارا لبنان ۔ شام اور عراق کا دو تہائی علاقہ اور سعودی عرب کا ایک تہائی علاقہ ۔ اس کے بعد صیہونی کانگرس کا باسل (سوئٹزرلینڈ) میں اجلاس ہوا جس میں فلسطین میں خالص صیہونی ریاست بنانے کی منظوری دی گئی اور ساتھ ہی بین الاقوامی صیہونی تنظیم بنائی گئی تا کہ وہ صیہونی ریاست کا قیام یقینی بنائے ۔
Writes Mr M. Shahid Alam who teaches economics at a university in Boston, USA.
The goal of a Jewish state in Palestine with a Jewish population had an unavoidable corollary. As the Jews entered Palestine, the Palestinians would have to be ‘transferred’ out of Palestine. As early as 1895, Theodore Herzl had figured this out in an entry in his diary: “We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country.”Others took a more direct approach: “As soon as we have a big settlement here we’ll seize the land, we’ll become strong, and then we’ll take care of the Left Bank. We’ll expel them from there, too. Let them go back to the Arab countries.” At some point, when a dominant Jewish presence had been established in Palestine, and the Palestinians had departed or been marginalized, the British could end their mandate to make room for the emergence of a Jewish state in Palestine.This plan ran into problems. The Palestinians would not cooperate: they refused to leave and very few were willing to sell their lands. As a result, in 1948, the year that Israel was created, nearly all of Palestine’s “penniless population” was still in place and more than 50 years after the launching of political Zionism, the Jewish settlers owned only seven per cent of the lands in Palestine, not the best lands either.
1896 سے ہی یورپ سے یہودی نقل مکانی کر کے فلسطین پہنچنا شروع ہو گئے اور 1897 عیسوی میں فلسطین میں یہودیوں کی تعداد دو ہزار کے قریب پہنچ گئی ۔ جب کہ مسلمان عربوں کی تعداد پانچ لاکھ سے زائد تھی ۔1903 عیسوی تک یورپ سے ہزاروں یہودی فلسطین پہنچ گئے اور ان کی تعداد 2500 کے لگ بھگ ہو گئی ۔ 1914 تک مزید چالیس ہزار کے قریب یہودی فلسطین پہنچے ۔
1916 عیسوی میں مصر میں برطانیہ کے کمشنر ہنری مکماہون نے مصر سے عرب فوجی بھرتی کرنے کے لئے وعدہ کیا تھا کہ عربوں کے وہ علاقے جو سلطنت عثمانیہ میں شامل تھے آزاد کر دیئے جائیں گے ۔ برطانیہ کی عیّاری ملاحظہ ہو کہ اسی زمانہ میں خفیہ معاہدہ سائیکس پیکاٹ کیا گیا جس کی رو سے برطانیہ اور فرانس نے علاقہ کو اپنے مشترکہ انتظام کے تحت تقسیم کر دیا ۔ مزید عیّاری یہ کہ 1917 عیسوی میں برطانیہ کے وزیر خارجہ آرتھر بیلفور نے برطانیہ کی طرف سے لارڈ راتھ شلڈ نامی صیہونی لیڈر کو لکھے گئے ایک خط میں فلسطین کے اندر ایک صیہونی ریاست بنانے کے لئے کام کرنے کا وعدہ کیا ۔ جنگ عظیم کے اختتام پر 1918 عیسوی میں مصر سے بدعہدی کرتے ہوۓ فلسطین پر انگریزوں نے قبضہ کر لیا ۔ لیگ آف نیشنز نے 25 اپریل 1920 کو فلسطین پر انگریزوں کے قبضہ کو جائز قرار دے دیا ۔
1918 عیسوی میں فلسطین ميں یورپ سے مزید یہودی آنے کے باعث ان کی تعداد 67000 کے قریب تھی ۔ برطانوی مردم شماری کے مطابق 1922 عیسوی میں فلسطین میں یہودیوں کی آبادی 11 فیصد تک پہنچ گئی تھی یعنی 667500 مسلمان تھے تو 82500 یہودی تھے ۔ 1930 تک برطانوی سرپرستی میں مزید 300000 سے زائد یہودی یورپ اور روس سے فلسطین پہنچائے گئے جس سے عربوں میں بے چینی پیدا ہوئی ۔
اگست 1929 میں یہودیوں اور فلسطینی مسلمانوں میں جھڑپیں ہوئیں جن میں سوا سو کے قریب فلسطینی اور تقریبا اتنے ہی یہودی مارے گئے ان جھڑپوں کی ابتداء صیہونیوں نے کی تھی لیکن برطانوی پولیس نے صیہونیوں کے خلاف کوئی اقدام نہ کیا ۔ برطانیہ کا رائل کمشن جس کا سربراہ لارڈ پیل تھا نے 1937 عیسوی میں تجویز دی کہ فلسطین کو تقسیم کر کے تیسرا حصہ یہودیوں کو دے دیا جائے ۔ اس وقت فلسطین میں یہودیوں کی زمینی ملکیت نہ ہونے کے برابر تھی ۔ فلسطینی اس کے خلاف دو سال تک احتجاج کرتے رہے ۔ وہ چاہتے تھے کہ تقسیم نہ کی جائے اور صرف اقلیتوں کو تحفظ فراہم کیا جائے ۔ اس پر برطانیہ سے مزید فوج منگوا کر فلسطینیوں کے احتجاج کو سختی سے کچل دیا گیا ۔ 1939 میں دوسری جنگ عظیم شروع ہو گئی اور فلسطین کا معاملہ پس منظر میں چلا گیا مگر صیہونیوں نے یورپ سے فلسطین کی طرف نقل مکانی جاری رکھی ۔
At 8:02 am,
Anonymous said…
1897 عیسوی میں فلسطین میں یہودیوں کی تعداد دو ہزار کے قریب پہنچ گئی ۔
یہودیوں کی نقل مکانی کچھ پہلے شروع ہوئی تھی۔ میرے علم کے مطابق 1881 میں فلسطین میں 15,000 یہودی تھے۔
667500 مسلمان تھے تو 82500 یہودی تھے ۔
اس لحاظ سے عیسائی صفر ہوئے حالانکہ وہ فلسطین میں اچھی تعداد میں موجود تھے۔
At 9:11 am,
افتخار اجمل بھوپال said…
زکریا بیٹے
بی بی سی کے مطابق بھی 1903 میں یہودیوں کی تعداد سترہ ہزار سے زیادہ نہیں بنتی ۔ یورپ سے یہودیوں کی زیادہ تعداد میں آمد 1896 سے شروع ہوئی ۔ تو کیا 1881 کے بعد بائیس سال میں صرف دو ہزار یہودی فلسطین آۓ ۔ پھر اگر اتنے یہودی فلسطین میں تھے تو وہ زمینی ملکیت کے بغیر کیسے رہ رہے تھے کیرنکہ اس زمانہ میں کرایہ پر رہنے کا کوئی تصوّر نہ تھا ؟ خیال رہے کہ بی بی سی کے مطابق یو این او کے فیصلہ کے وقت یہودیوں کے پاس فلسطین کی صرف 6 فیصد زمین تھی جبکہ پچھلے پچاس سال میں انہوں نے کافی زمیں خریدی تھی ۔
جہاں تک عیسائی آبادی کا تعلق ہے اس کی گنتی کسی نے نہیں بتائی ۔ شائد وجہ یہ ہے کہ جھگڑا مسلمانوں اور یہودیوں کا ہے ۔ یہ حقیقت نظر میں رہے کہ میں نے بھی ساری معلومات عیسائیوں کے لکھے ہوۓ مضامین سے لی ہیں جو یہودیوں کے دوست تو ہو سکتے ہیں مگر مسلمانوں کے نہیں ۔
At 12:46 pm,
افتخار اجمل بھوپال said…
محمد شمیل قریشی صاحب
جزاک اللہ خیر ۔ اللہ سبحانہ و تعالی آپ پر بھی اپنی برکتیں نازل فرماۓ ۔ اپنی دعاؤں میں یاد کرتے رہیئے گا ۔
At 1:54 pm,
Fahd Mirza said…
The topics like Jews, Israel and zionism have been remained taboo in Pakistan, except for the fierce blind hatred. To hate someone due to the justified reasons is fine, no problem with that, but atlest we should know the reasons. Mr. Ajmal thanks for telling us the reasons.
At 10:32 pm,
Anonymous said…
زبردست جناب، واقع مجھے آپ کی تعریف کرنی ہوگی، آپ کی یاد داشت قابلِ تعریف ہے حالانکہ آپ کے فرزند زکریا کے تبصرے سے سو فیصد متفق بھی ہوں ـ
At 12:31 am,
Anonymous said…
The state for Jewish was in the making for centuries and British and
Americans helped them make Israel . The creation of Pakistan was
discussed in House of Commons in January 1948 where Labour and
Tory members argued about the creation of Israel suggesting that if
a Islamic State can be created then why not a Jewish State ? -
What happened , happened ; we should learn from our history and
mistakes we made in past . Israel is a reality now , something the world
has realized and so did we as a nation ; good or evil is another issue -
there can not be a 'ethical foreign policy' .
Prophet ( sal-lal-la-o-ahla-hay-wasal-lam) never hated anyone in his life
time , he was not only a prophet but was a very skillful diplomat who always
believed in love and prosperity for all either muslims , jews or christains .
He made pacts with Jews at times when Muslims were in good position and
he made pacts with Jews when we were in bad time - he never hated anyone
nor should we - we should all keep doors open closing it means destruction
example is of Taliban in Afghanistan.
At 9:09 am,
افتخار اجمل بھوپال said…
Mr Fahd Mirza
You are always welcome
شعیب صاحب
شکریہ ۔
سب کچھ دیا ہے اللہ نے مجھ کو میری تو کوئی بھی چیز نہیں ہے
یہ کرم ہے میرے اللہ کا مجھ میں تو ایسی کوئی بات نہیں ہے
Mr Ali Chishti
Corollary of Jewish state with Pakistan does not hold, apart from other premise, geographically. Pakistan was created on a land where Muslims were in majority and Muslims owned majority of immovable assets in the area while the Jews for whom Israel was created were not residents of the area, still they were in minority and they owned only 6% of fixed assets.
جو ہو گیا سو ہو گیا ۔ انصاف اور حقیقت کی بجاۓ انتہائی مایوسی اور بزدلی کی دلیل ہے ۔
Rape cannot be enjoyed even if it is inevitable.
For co-existence, foreign policy has to be ethical and not barbarian.
Of course, Prophet Muhammad, SAS, was a very skillful diplomat who believed in love and prosperity for Muslims, Jews and Christians on equity basis and never hated anyone but with that Prophet, SAS, never allowed treachery. He lived for and fought for justice.
By giving example of Taliban, do you mean to say that what America has been doing in Afghanistan for the last 4 years and in Iraq for the last 15 years is justified? Let us forget about Islam. Is that justified according to Judaism, Christianity or ethically?
May Allah guide us to the right path.
At 5:34 pm,
Anonymous said…
What happened , happened ? could we do anything about it now ? apart from crying as how foul Jews played? so why cry ? ....
we muslims specially the elder lott should understand and accept 'ground realities' , there can not be ethical foreign policy in a world where relations are based on economics ; I remember Tony Blair attending my university for a lecture on British Foreign Policy where he first used the term ' ETHICAL FOREIGN POLICY' where everyone laughed and I questioned him on how ethical his foreign policy ? he said , we are trying to make it ethical , its not there yet .
ethics , honesty , fair play can not make nations - this has been for centuries -
At 6:04 pm,
افتخار اجمل بھوپال said…
Mr Chishti
"Done is done" does not mean that one should go on taking all nonsense because he / she had taken that before against wishes. Any way it is enough. You are for condoning crime while I can not condone a crime.
At 4:25 am,
Anonymous said…
For one thing Pakistan was not created for Muslims only. It was created for the minorities of India. As we all know the founder of Pakistan's Mother belonged to Parsi religion.
As for creation of nations for the rights is all baseless. We should not demand for seprate land just because our rights are not fullfilled by certain country. We all saw what happened after the creation of Pakistan. ALmost 23 years later in 971 Pakistan broken into two pieces and Bangladesh was created. After 35 years later MQM demanded to create a land for Mohajirs. Most of the muslims still live in India and they are subject to similar discrimination as othe minoraties. One basis of discrimination against them due to sour relations of India with Pakistan. And every muslim there branded as Pakistani agent. So in conclusion you cannot make everyone happy. The only way to get yours rights is to fight for it at your land. We should promote for the harmony between the rivals of Palestine and Israel; India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. This is the only way we all can benefit. As for us Muslims we are not giving our kids right education. Since when you can fight for your rights with just reading koran.
At 4:46 pm,
افتخار اجمل بھوپال said…
A person, who is afraid of disclosing his/her identity without any threat of life, does not deserve a reply. However, for the sake of others who may have read this comment, some statements need to be clarified.
Let it be very clear that Quaid-i-Azam did not demand anything for his own family but his struggle was to have an independent homeland for Muslims of India at least in the areas where Muslims were in majority.
Statement that respectable mother of Quaid-i-Azam was Parsi is NOT correct. She was a Muslim.
Another: If countries are not for rights, what are they for?
Commenter saying that Muslims in India are facing wrath of extremist Hindus due to Pakistan is totally baseless.
I fail to understand what the commenter means by “The only way to get yours rights is to fight for it at your land.” Is Pakistan fighting for its rights in India?
Another sentence of the commenter is “Since when you can fight for your rights with just reading koran.”
For kind information of the commenter, Qur,aan is not for just reading but for understanding it and living life accordingly.
At 2:16 am,
Anonymous said…
The modern-day State of Israel exists; it's here, 57 years after we declared independence. Israel has existed for several thousand years. Without Israel/Judaism, there would be no Christianity, no Islam. Get over it, and move on. Most of all, stop letting a few oil-rich pseudo-monarchical pedophiles dictate your agenda.
At 7:25 am,
افتخار اجمل بھوپال said…
Comments of Mr Ali Chishti are being published after deleting some personal remarks about a dead person.
Mr Ali Chishti writes:
Although the creation of Pakistan was pushed by British in the end but
the real pushers of Pakistan were the feudals in Muslim League . There's
no doubt Pakistan was made for the minorities of United India but the real
theme of creation of Pakistan was ' it will be land for muslims of India , where
they will not be discreminated in any field ' . Pakistan was infact created for
muslims of India , let there be no doubt about that. Secondly, Mohammad
Ali Jinnah nor his family had anything to do with Parsi's or there respected
religion ( this is another misconception present in Pakistan that Mr. Jinnah's
family was Parsi )۔
If we look at history most of the nations which specially emerged after World War II were former colonies who opted freedom because of ' lack of rights ' and then other countries which emerged * Central Asian Republics , East Tamour , Bangladesh etc .. * came into being because of foreign involvement or pressure. If everyone has there rights , why would anyone want freedom ? Pakistan was created for Muslims of India ( my family migrated from India to Pakistan
as well ) so that they enjoy freedom of expression , freedom of religion although I agree we have not achieved everything but as a nation we are so much better then muslims living in India ; atleast we don't live in fear ! Babri Mosque , Gujrat Riots and Riots in most North Indian States proved Pakistan right .
As far as reading Al-Quran is concerned , Al-Quran is a religious book which guides Muslims as to how one live his or her life - its a philosophy of life and thats where people gets confused.
Education in Science and Maths or any other subject is also a must ( infact as much madatory as reading Al-Quran ) to Muslims specially because education is the only way to restore glory of Muslims .
At 7:45 am,
افتخار اجمل بھوپال said…
Mr Jonathan B. Horen
Please have patience and read history. Israel never existed more than 57 years and that due to the British government’s self interests. If you do not have much time then go to following URL and continue reading. It is not written by a Muslim but friends of Israel (the British). http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/in_depth/world/2001/israel_and_palestinians/timeline/1century.stm
We are not discussing Judaism, Christianity or Islam. We have respect for all religions.
At 7:59 am,
افتخار اجمل بھوپال said…
Mr Ali Chishti
Your comments are valid and well founded.
I hope that you will not mind my expunging personal remarks about a dead person because it is not considered desireable according to our faith.
At 1:23 am,
Anonymous said…
Mr Chisti
Division of India is a very emotional matter for our previous generation as they got each others blood on their hands. Still today creation of Pakistan or division of India is very wrong for Indian people and Creation of Bangladesh i.e., division of Pakistan is very wrong for Pakistanis. I respect their feelings. After 58 years of Independence from England, English are still winning. Wasn't it their agenda Divide and Rule.
My question is I am from minority class (it doesn’t matter which one) living in Pakistan. What about my rights? What is your suggestion: Should we opted for a separate land or demand our rights in Pakistan which is a birth place of my ancestors? Say we got few hundred square miles of land then what about Christians, Shias, Qadianis, Parsi's, Mohajirs, Baluchi's, Pathans and dont forget women [though majority in numbers still discriminated at every level]. Should they demand for a separate land too......
As for Muslims in India, yes they are not in a very good shape on the whole; even there is lot of high profile Muslim Indians such as President, richest Indian is a Muslim, many successful bollywood stars and so on. Well, majority of Muslim are not educating their younger generation. Even in traditional Muslim Institutes Hindus are getting degrees. I am talking from experience as my relatives still live there.
As for being any relation of Quaid-e-Azam to Parsi religion is that his second wife is from that sect and there is nothing wrong with it.
Please see http://www.pakistan.gov.pk/Quaid/life_quaid05.htm
Himself Jinnah was belonged to Ismaili sect and again there is nothing wrong with it.
Please see
I thought My Quaid created this country for "You are free, free to go to your temple…"
Please see it at http://www.pakistan.gov.pk/Quaid/index.htm
Take Care
At 9:48 am,
افتخار اجمل بھوپال said…
Mr Shama
I respect your sentiments and have respect for all the religions and mythologies though I may not agree to their beliefs.
I agree with you that policy of British rulers was, and is divide and rule but India would have not been divided if Congress leaders had not played tricks with Muslims and had not misguided Hindus. It was the same people who have been living together and rose against the British rule in 1957 as one community. Barring one category of Hindus, all others were more comfortable with Muslims than that category of Hindus. I was 10 years old in 1947 and my family was made to migrate to Pakistan. About 100,000 Muslims were murdered in my district only. I had my Hindu friends but they were not from that category because that category was self-centered.
You may be knowing what is still happening in India with, not only minorities but, also, the so-called lower category Hindus (for which I have a lot respect). Believe me, being a Muslim citizen resident, I do not have the rights which are guaranteed by our constitution. Let us both pray that a free democracy, the dream of Quaid-i-Azam, returns to our country.
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