خود میاں فصیحت دیگراں را نصحیت
ترجمہ ۔ یہ ایک تاریخی بد قسمتی ہے کہ اسلام کی تیسری سب سے متبرک جگہ یعنی مسجد اقصی اور چوتھی یعنی قبلہء اول اسراءیل کے قبضہ میں ہیں ۔
مندرجہ بالا فقرہ ریٹائرڈ میجر گلزار وزیر کے 7 ستمبر کو دی نیوز میں چھپنے والے خط سے ہے جس کا باقی حصہ نیجے درج ہے ۔ دی نیوز میں ان کے بہت خط چھپتے رہتے ہیں ۔ یہ حضرت اتنے باعلم ہیں کہ انہیں یہ بھی معلوم نہیں کہ مسجد اقصی ہی قبلہء اول ہے ۔ اور چلے ہیں دوسروں کو نصیحت کرنے ۔
Besides, there are many other places which are important from the Islamic point of view, located in that country. I ask religious zealots like Qazi Hussain Ahmed, who is busy spitting fire against recognising Israel, would he not like to undertake a pilgrimage to these holy sites, at least once during his life time? This is impossible unless there are diplomatic relations between the two countries
At 7:22 am,
Anonymous said…
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At 12:16 am,
Asma said…
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At 7:40 am,
افتخار اجمل بھوپال said…
Madam Asma Mirza
My post is about the knowledgeable (sarcasm) persons who are welcome by our news papers repeatedly publishing their letters. And you jumped to Israel. I have made many foreign trips. It was always written on my Passport that I could visit all countries of the world except Israel. Your argument is like “because Allah and Iblees / Shaitan are both written in Qur’aan Shareef, so we should follow Iblees / Shaitan also.
I am aware of a community of Pakistan very much in favour of Israel right from the time of it’s formation. Please read the book by (late) Mr Qudratullah Shahab in which he relates the story of his visit to Israel as a representative of UNO (Not on Pakistani Passport).
I don’t know whether you read 2nd paragraph of my post of August 02, 2005 URL http://hypocrisythyname.blogspot.com/2005/08/jk9.html Will you welcome my view on this as an elaborate post ? So far I have been avoiding it.
At 10:13 pm,
Asma said…
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