Anonymous Comment on "Urdu Medium School"
Somehow I donot agree with you because I believe that a genius can be born to a rich or to a poor. And when you say that "How many of the “O”, “A” levels students are able to get admission in the high merit institutions like medical, engineering, etc ?"I dont agree here as well because the std of A levels and O levels is much higher then what is taught at metric or intermediate level. Students who are not able to clear the medical or engineering tests is not because they are not "genius" enough but because the course material is totally different.
the days when you were taught english was the time of british rule the language you use is mostly English and not American. What I see is that most Pakistani kids are more influenced with the American rather then the English and some of them are not even aware of the difference and thus we are building a confuse nation. I dont know what research and what knowledge you have but it will be good if you try to go out and see the reality rather then doing research on internet because 80% of information on internet is False. Islambad/ Wah is not even 1/3 of Pakistan try to look at a bigger picture for the future.
I do not say that genius are born only in the poor families. (By the way, what makes anybody think that I or my parents were poor ?) What I referred to in my previous post was in a different context.
Talking of entry tests is story of only past some years. What was happening before ? The contention, that course material is different, does not hold good. It does not call for only a genius to qualify in the entry test. Hard-working students with normal intelligence can get through.
I was not taught English under British rule. (I was a child then) I studied in Urdu medium school and then in Gordon College. Gordon College was run by American mission and we were taught American dialect of English while we were examined in pure English (British). So, we were in a difficult position. Present confusion among young generation is not created by American or British dialect of English but it is due to false status consciousness.
My knowledge is not confined to Islamabad, Wah and internet. However, I have been seeking knowledge from internet since internet started in Islamabad. The contention that 80% of information on the internet is false is not correct. It all depends upon one’s selection.
Allah had been kind enough to provide me chances (official) to go all over Pakistan and Azad Jammu & Kashmir in relation to education, management and public administration. In addition, having remained honorary inspector of examinations of Technical Education for two and a half years (1983-1985) and of engineering universities for seven years (1988-1996), problem of education and admissions always remained under discussion. Still whatever I say is my opinion and everybody is free to differ with me.
Kindly do not under-estimate Wah. It is a paradise of education. Literacy (Matric pass) in Wah is nearly 100% and sons / daughters of not only officers but of workers have become qualified doctors, engineers, economists, auditors, financial managers and what not. Post-graduate colleges, for boys and girls separately, have been functioning in Wah for decades. In addition, about 20 large sized buses used to carry students to different colleges / universities in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. On that many used to study at Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and in Europe and USA. A medical college started functioning in Wah last year. The Technical Training Institute which Allah, SWT, got established by me in Wah (1983-1985) is, al-hamdu-lillah, fully matured to become an engineering degree college by the next admission session.
Population of Wah is about 231,000, which is 3.6% of Lahore or 1.89% of Karachi.
At 10:15 pm,
Anonymous said…
یقین کیجئے، گھروں میں اردو بولنے والے باہر محلے میں جاکر اردو زبان میں بات چیت کرنے کو عیب سمجھتے ہیں یعنی کہ ہم لوگ ۔
At 9:44 am,
Anonymous said…
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At 4:41 pm,
Anonymous said…
Come on Sir, anonymous comments are not really worth all the hoopla. A person who does not even have the moral courage to associate his/her name with thoughts...why bother?
At 8:18 pm,
افتخار اجمل بھوپال said…
You share my thoughts some-how.
At 8:21 pm,
افتخار اجمل بھوپال said…
You are right. This is due to inferiority complex but we feel superior about it.
At 9:45 pm,
S A J Shirazi said…
Thanks for pointing out. Corrected.
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