معاملہ فہمی یا منافقت ؟ Ingenuity or Hypocrisy
یار لوگوں نے منافقت کا بہروپ ہی بدل دیا ہے۔ اب اس کا نام "معاملہ فہمی"۔ "حکمت عملی"۔ فراست"۔ "چھریرا پن"۔ "ذہانت" وغیرہ رکھ دیا ہے۔ اور جو کوئی منافقت نہ کرے اسے "بے وقوف" کا خطاب دیا جاتا ہے۔ حال بایں جا رسید کہ دفتر ہو تو منافق کامیاب اور جلد ترقیاں پانے والا۔ سیاست ہو تو سب سے بڑا منافق سب سے زیادہ ووٹ حاصل کرتا ہے۔ کچھ استثناء تو بہر حال ہوتا ہی ہے۔
Allama Iqbal was a philosopher. What he wrote seventy years back appears to be fresh even to-day. Allama Iqbal was against hypocrisy and wrote against it in commonly understandable language. In those days, perhaps, hypocrisy had not spread to such an extent as it is today. These days, all the business / dealings (individual or collective) are flourishing by clever use of hypocrisy. Poor are being eliminated in the name of poverty alleviation. On the pretext of alleviation of terrorism, the men-of-principle, who are weak, are being openly mass-murdered.
My good friends have devised new terminology. They have renamed “Hypocrisy” as skillful handling, alertness, ingenuity, etc. And a person who stays away from hypocrisy, is labeled as “Stupid”. We are living in a world where, in employment, mostly hypocrites are successful and bag maximum upgrading, and, in politics, generally the greatest hypocrite bags the maximum of votes.
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